August 18th 2024
For The Time Will Come When Men Will Not Put Up With Sound Doctrine.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
God created mankind with the ability to be able to reproduce. For reproduction to occur, God also made the act of reproduction to be very enticing, and extremely enjoyable. Thus, mankind would exercise this process and reproduce to fill the earth with human beings, as God commanded. However, since this process is so enjoyable it has caused humans to desire to perform it as a means of income production, and to also defy other commands God gave us to control sexual activity for only reproducing human life. So, now in modern times we find many people who become pregnant because they had consensual sex, but they did not want to become pregnant as a result.
It seems most voters believe that it is the pregnant woman’s right to kill the forming baby as it is forming in her body. The question for professing Christians becomes is the formation of this human being allowed by God and controlled by God? Does all human life start with the formation of an immortal soul made in the image and likeness of God? It seems to me; our Bible tells us that human life is granted by God as immortal. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27). What do you believe about human beings, do we all have an immortal soul?
I believe our Bible tells us that all of mankind started with the creation of Adam. God gave us these details about Adam being created in the image and likeness of God. This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man". When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:1-4). Our Bible reports this about Eve who was the mother to all the children of Adam. Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3:20).
Paul wrote about the promises of God for how He views mankind. "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. (2 Corinthians 6:18-7:1). What plan does God have for mankind? For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10). God has a plan and purpose for you in this cursed world.
Paul wrote about this fallacy of mankind’s pride, which may cause us to believe we can be good enough to earn heaven through our good life. Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. (Romans 3:27-31). Our faith needs to be rooted in knowing the promises of God, and thus, giving Him thanks for offering the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ to by grace allow salvation to all who come to believe in the Son of Man!
In this modern era in the USA most people are seeking freedom from any rules or laws that do not give them freedom to do whatever makes them happy and gives them a feeling of freedom. Paul wrote about this time when people will gather and surround themselves with people who agree with their ideas of freedom. In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:1-3).
It appears we have arrived at that time Paul wrote about to the church in Rome, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.” In the churches of this world, we have adopted worldly manmade ideas to replace God’s messages and promises as described in our Bibles. Our Bible tells us to even love those people who have chosen to become an enemy toward us. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:19-21).
Jesus followers are always supposed to take the narrow path, which leads them (us) to think heavenly thoughts as Jesus did when He walked this earth as the Son of Man. This is the earthly path that leads all who follow it to heaven and living there forever with Jesus Christ. Are you on the right path?
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
God created mankind with the ability to be able to reproduce. For reproduction to occur, God also made the act of reproduction to be very enticing, and extremely enjoyable. Thus, mankind would exercise this process and reproduce to fill the earth with human beings, as God commanded. However, since this process is so enjoyable it has caused humans to desire to perform it as a means of income production, and to also defy other commands God gave us to control sexual activity for only reproducing human life. So, now in modern times we find many people who become pregnant because they had consensual sex, but they did not want to become pregnant as a result.
It seems most voters believe that it is the pregnant woman’s right to kill the forming baby as it is forming in her body. The question for professing Christians becomes is the formation of this human being allowed by God and controlled by God? Does all human life start with the formation of an immortal soul made in the image and likeness of God? It seems to me; our Bible tells us that human life is granted by God as immortal. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27). What do you believe about human beings, do we all have an immortal soul?
I believe our Bible tells us that all of mankind started with the creation of Adam. God gave us these details about Adam being created in the image and likeness of God. This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man". When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:1-4). Our Bible reports this about Eve who was the mother to all the children of Adam. Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3:20).
Paul wrote about the promises of God for how He views mankind. "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. (2 Corinthians 6:18-7:1). What plan does God have for mankind? For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10). God has a plan and purpose for you in this cursed world.
Paul wrote about this fallacy of mankind’s pride, which may cause us to believe we can be good enough to earn heaven through our good life. Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. (Romans 3:27-31). Our faith needs to be rooted in knowing the promises of God, and thus, giving Him thanks for offering the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ to by grace allow salvation to all who come to believe in the Son of Man!
In this modern era in the USA most people are seeking freedom from any rules or laws that do not give them freedom to do whatever makes them happy and gives them a feeling of freedom. Paul wrote about this time when people will gather and surround themselves with people who agree with their ideas of freedom. In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:1-3).
It appears we have arrived at that time Paul wrote about to the church in Rome, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.” In the churches of this world, we have adopted worldly manmade ideas to replace God’s messages and promises as described in our Bibles. Our Bible tells us to even love those people who have chosen to become an enemy toward us. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:19-21).
Jesus followers are always supposed to take the narrow path, which leads them (us) to think heavenly thoughts as Jesus did when He walked this earth as the Son of Man. This is the earthly path that leads all who follow it to heaven and living there forever with Jesus Christ. Are you on the right path?
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak