August 4th 2019
Worship The One Who Paved The Way For You On The Narrow Path That Leads To Heaven!
Colossians 2:8 (NIV)
See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
We live in a time when many people are seeking reality, but what is this reality based upon? Many TV programs are based upon or called reality shows. Why are Americans seeking reality programs to supply their entertainment? Has our society reached a point where we no longer look toward God to be awe struck? Many people in this country no longer know who God is or what He has done! This includes those people who still attend a church. To most Americans the Bible is just another book. Reading it is not very important, because to them it does not represent reality! What about you, do you believe the Bible is inspired and controlled by God? Is it relevant to your everyday life, or is it just a book containing stories men wrote hundreds or thousands of years ago?
Do you believe the Bible is a religious book, and therefore, it is only relevant as a text for use on Sunday (or whatever day you call the Sabbath)? Some churches Catholic and Protestant offer worship services on Saturday evening so people can fulfill their church requirement when it is more convenient for them. Of course, many churches also offer a mid-week service(s), and my guess is that many people go then instead of on Sunday. None of this is meant to be a criticism, just a statement of reality! It does however, cause me to wonder if God considers this separation of His people as His reality?
Are we trying to fit God in somewhere in our busy lives, where it is convenient for us? Is that our modern reality spot for God? Is God a real part of your everyday life? Do you take Him with you everywhere you go, or is that unrealistic? Do I have you feeling guilty yet? If you are, can you imagine how people feel who do not know God at all? Do you know someone who has no use for God in his or her life? They do not have time to even go to church. They do not worship God in any way! Do you worship God? Is He the most awe-inspiring element of your life? Or do you get your kicks by watching reality shows on TV? Is God part of your reality?
Mankind has been seeking to find a reality that does not include God since the very beginning of recorded time. People who believe in evolution use the term prehistoric, but there is no such a time! The Bible starts with the phrase; "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) Believe it, there was no history before that. Therefore, there is no prehistory time, if you read and believe the Bible’s story! Do you use the Bible as the true reality evidence? It offers the only true story of what reality is! If you want awe in your life do not look at what some men do while living their very short lives on this earth, look instead to God who created those men or women! Oprah or Phil or whatever human you believe in has no real answers to the problems you will face in this world. No psychic or seer or card reader or whatever other name humans may assume can offer you any complete answers to life’s situations. Only God offers the complete answers!
The statements above are not meant to indicate anyone should not seek assistance from other people for problems they encounter. Counseling and taking drugs prescribed by qualified physicians could be blessings from God. God in His wisdom created many different talents, and then humans have recognized such talents, and have offered educational organizations so we can hone those talents. There are some very intelligent people, and we should be thankful to God for supplying their abilities.
We need to be realistic about what other people can offer us, and in what council or help we can give others. Do not put your soul in the hands of another created being only God can really offer you complete reality. No human being understands how and when this universe came into being, but some will tell you they do! The true story is contained in the Bible, read about it, it is really interesting! However, do not expect all the answers. The Bible is not a textbook that supplies all the answers. If it did, first it would be too big for most people to read, and second, complete knowledge would not allow faith to be required to believe it!
Last week a personal comparison between worship service and Sunday school was given, in which, I stated Sunday school was more important. A reader of the VOW admonished me by stating "please rethink your statement that Sunday school is more important than Worship Service." This pastor is correct in bringing me to task on this! My comparison was intended to indicate we take more information home from a Sunday school class than we do from a worship service! However, that is wrong, because God created us to worship Him! That is the main reason for our existence on this earth, and nothing is more important or fulfilling than for us to worship Him! My comparison was a poor attempt to compare a sermon with a Bible study; it was not intended to compare any human knowledge with the unsurpassed knowledge God bestows on us through worship!
That brings me to this thought about writing the Verse of the Week. I have committed to Jesus a VOW that I will continue to write this commentary as long as He wants me to do so! As long as the Lord is willing, I will publish this commentary! However, please let it be known that Jesus gave me any helpful thing you read in these commentaries! If I did not believe this, I would immediately stop writing it! Most of what I write is inspired by my LACK of knowledge and my attempt is always to write what I pray God has given me! With this in mind, PLEASE when YOU read something in a VOW you believe to be questionable or WRONG, please let me know in an email response. I write the VOW as a way to learn, not to teach! Only Jesus can teach us the TRUTH!
Jesus is willing to reveal information to me, not because I’m special in any way, it is just because that I make myself available to Him every day! At least that is my attempt! Do you make yourself available to Jesus every day? If you have committed your life to Him, He has promised to always be with you, and in you! If you have not made such a commitment, do it today, no one is guaranteed tomorrow! Contact me, if you think I can help you commit your life to Him today!
Now the good news of this commentary, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no-one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) It is true you do not, and in fact cannot earn you way into heaven, and you do not have to! Jesus already paid the fee! You have a free ride to heaven, now that is a reality to receive in AWE!
Worship the One who paved the way for you on the narrow path that leads to heaven!
(Repeated from 1/8/2004)
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak
Colossians 2:8 (NIV)
See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
We live in a time when many people are seeking reality, but what is this reality based upon? Many TV programs are based upon or called reality shows. Why are Americans seeking reality programs to supply their entertainment? Has our society reached a point where we no longer look toward God to be awe struck? Many people in this country no longer know who God is or what He has done! This includes those people who still attend a church. To most Americans the Bible is just another book. Reading it is not very important, because to them it does not represent reality! What about you, do you believe the Bible is inspired and controlled by God? Is it relevant to your everyday life, or is it just a book containing stories men wrote hundreds or thousands of years ago?
Do you believe the Bible is a religious book, and therefore, it is only relevant as a text for use on Sunday (or whatever day you call the Sabbath)? Some churches Catholic and Protestant offer worship services on Saturday evening so people can fulfill their church requirement when it is more convenient for them. Of course, many churches also offer a mid-week service(s), and my guess is that many people go then instead of on Sunday. None of this is meant to be a criticism, just a statement of reality! It does however, cause me to wonder if God considers this separation of His people as His reality?
Are we trying to fit God in somewhere in our busy lives, where it is convenient for us? Is that our modern reality spot for God? Is God a real part of your everyday life? Do you take Him with you everywhere you go, or is that unrealistic? Do I have you feeling guilty yet? If you are, can you imagine how people feel who do not know God at all? Do you know someone who has no use for God in his or her life? They do not have time to even go to church. They do not worship God in any way! Do you worship God? Is He the most awe-inspiring element of your life? Or do you get your kicks by watching reality shows on TV? Is God part of your reality?
Mankind has been seeking to find a reality that does not include God since the very beginning of recorded time. People who believe in evolution use the term prehistoric, but there is no such a time! The Bible starts with the phrase; "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) Believe it, there was no history before that. Therefore, there is no prehistory time, if you read and believe the Bible’s story! Do you use the Bible as the true reality evidence? It offers the only true story of what reality is! If you want awe in your life do not look at what some men do while living their very short lives on this earth, look instead to God who created those men or women! Oprah or Phil or whatever human you believe in has no real answers to the problems you will face in this world. No psychic or seer or card reader or whatever other name humans may assume can offer you any complete answers to life’s situations. Only God offers the complete answers!
The statements above are not meant to indicate anyone should not seek assistance from other people for problems they encounter. Counseling and taking drugs prescribed by qualified physicians could be blessings from God. God in His wisdom created many different talents, and then humans have recognized such talents, and have offered educational organizations so we can hone those talents. There are some very intelligent people, and we should be thankful to God for supplying their abilities.
We need to be realistic about what other people can offer us, and in what council or help we can give others. Do not put your soul in the hands of another created being only God can really offer you complete reality. No human being understands how and when this universe came into being, but some will tell you they do! The true story is contained in the Bible, read about it, it is really interesting! However, do not expect all the answers. The Bible is not a textbook that supplies all the answers. If it did, first it would be too big for most people to read, and second, complete knowledge would not allow faith to be required to believe it!
Last week a personal comparison between worship service and Sunday school was given, in which, I stated Sunday school was more important. A reader of the VOW admonished me by stating "please rethink your statement that Sunday school is more important than Worship Service." This pastor is correct in bringing me to task on this! My comparison was intended to indicate we take more information home from a Sunday school class than we do from a worship service! However, that is wrong, because God created us to worship Him! That is the main reason for our existence on this earth, and nothing is more important or fulfilling than for us to worship Him! My comparison was a poor attempt to compare a sermon with a Bible study; it was not intended to compare any human knowledge with the unsurpassed knowledge God bestows on us through worship!
That brings me to this thought about writing the Verse of the Week. I have committed to Jesus a VOW that I will continue to write this commentary as long as He wants me to do so! As long as the Lord is willing, I will publish this commentary! However, please let it be known that Jesus gave me any helpful thing you read in these commentaries! If I did not believe this, I would immediately stop writing it! Most of what I write is inspired by my LACK of knowledge and my attempt is always to write what I pray God has given me! With this in mind, PLEASE when YOU read something in a VOW you believe to be questionable or WRONG, please let me know in an email response. I write the VOW as a way to learn, not to teach! Only Jesus can teach us the TRUTH!
Jesus is willing to reveal information to me, not because I’m special in any way, it is just because that I make myself available to Him every day! At least that is my attempt! Do you make yourself available to Jesus every day? If you have committed your life to Him, He has promised to always be with you, and in you! If you have not made such a commitment, do it today, no one is guaranteed tomorrow! Contact me, if you think I can help you commit your life to Him today!
Now the good news of this commentary, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no-one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) It is true you do not, and in fact cannot earn you way into heaven, and you do not have to! Jesus already paid the fee! You have a free ride to heaven, now that is a reality to receive in AWE!
Worship the One who paved the way for you on the narrow path that leads to heaven!
(Repeated from 1/8/2004)
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak