December 21st 2014
All Who Heard It Were Amazed At What The Shepherds Said To Them!
Luke 2:8-12, and 16-18 (NIV)
And there were shepherds living out in the fields near by, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
Have you heard this amazing story about a baby being born to a virgin, and it was reported to some lowly shepherds who were out in the fields tending their sheep? These shepherds first verified the story by going and seeing this baby who had been born, and was lying in a feeding-box for animals to eat from! When we hear this story again this year, we cannot go to this barn and see this baby to verify it really happened, can we? Of course, we know the rest of the story about this baby named Jesus, who came to this earth to save us from our sins.
Most of the people on this earth today do not believe this story, they have been told another story about some other baby being born into this world, whose mother was not a virgin, but this baby became a man or woman in the natural way, and now they follow this human being, they hope into another life, where they will end up in some place better than this earth, and where they will live forever, or they will return to this earth after evolving into a better being. This statement is only being made here to make a point about this CHRISTmas season, and that is, it makes me wonder what such people would believe if they had been told the Jesus story?
In the selected verses is stated, “All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” This is an amazing story which as indicated above is difficult to believe, as it requires the hearer to not only understand it, but most importantly, to believe it. If the only part of this story you ever heard was about this baby being born to a virgin, then you would likely not believe it. After all we all know that virgins do not give birth that is a scientific fact! Well that is only true if science does not allow divine intervention! Unless you are an atheist, how can you believe that God does not intervene in this world today? If you are a Christian, then you must believe that God has intervened in the past, and will actually recreate this world later, as defined in Revelation!
If you go into one of the Politically Correct stores you may see this word “Believe” imprinted on signs, and on dishes that are for sale. If you read the comments, they are trying to direct you to believe in some kind of fairy tale belief in a miraculous season, commonly referred to as the Holiday Season. So there the sales people must wish you a Happy Holiday. At a Christian book store there was a display that used this same word, “Believe.” However, in this setting the word “believe” meant to direct you to believe in the story of Jesus. The sales people there thus, wished you a Merry Christmas! Will December the twenty-fifth be observed as the remembrance of the birthday of Jesus, or the rebirth of holiday festivities to celebrate our earthly good luck?
This is truly a childlike season, as we are ask to think in an unreal fashion, and be open to believing in a fairy tale about a jolly overweight elf who is planning to give everyone, who has been good, some kind of a wonderful gift. The being good part is left up to this jolly old elf, which we refer to a Santa Claus. Most people who have children teach them this story, so they will be good during the year, and then, are happy at the end of the year! If you are a Christian did you also teach your children about this baby in a manger, who brought hope into this world? You do not have to possess worldly wealth to enjoy His coming; all you have to do is believe the story!
Jesus taught His disciples many things, but one important thing He stressed was that His people needed a childlike attitude in order for them to believe everything He taught. Luke reports one these times of training, and what Jesus said, about being childlike. People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Luke 18:15-17)
To believe the fairytale story requires you think like a child in order to believe it, and then, only as a good feeling for the holiday season. To believe the true CHRISTmas story also requires us to possess a childlike thought process, as it tries your mind to believe that, first there is a God, and then, that He sent His Son into this world to save the world. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-7) Now this is a belief that can or should make you happy all year long, not just during the holiday season!
It seems Jesus wanted to impress this childlike attitude on His disciples, and how important it is to allow you to believe in order to obtain the salvation He offers. Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3) Jesus needs us to approach this true CHRISTmas story with a childlike innocence that will allow full acceptance of it. On Christmas Eve you will be so filled with the knowledge of this story that it may be hard to sleep, because tomorrow you may meet Jesus face-to-face! No, I do not believe you may see Santa Claus, but then, you may meet Jesus, and truly live happily ever after! And remember, this is not a fairytale it is a true story.
So now since you are childlike go and see the infant in a manger scene, and “Believe,” He was born of the virgin Mary, and feel really good about it, because you believe this and the rest of the story about this Jesus. He came into this world to allow you eternal life, and to be able to live it with Him in forever land! You may call it heaven!
Wishing you and your family, this now includes Jesus as your Brother,
Merry CHRISTmas!
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak
Luke 2:8-12, and 16-18 (NIV)
And there were shepherds living out in the fields near by, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
Have you heard this amazing story about a baby being born to a virgin, and it was reported to some lowly shepherds who were out in the fields tending their sheep? These shepherds first verified the story by going and seeing this baby who had been born, and was lying in a feeding-box for animals to eat from! When we hear this story again this year, we cannot go to this barn and see this baby to verify it really happened, can we? Of course, we know the rest of the story about this baby named Jesus, who came to this earth to save us from our sins.
Most of the people on this earth today do not believe this story, they have been told another story about some other baby being born into this world, whose mother was not a virgin, but this baby became a man or woman in the natural way, and now they follow this human being, they hope into another life, where they will end up in some place better than this earth, and where they will live forever, or they will return to this earth after evolving into a better being. This statement is only being made here to make a point about this CHRISTmas season, and that is, it makes me wonder what such people would believe if they had been told the Jesus story?
In the selected verses is stated, “All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” This is an amazing story which as indicated above is difficult to believe, as it requires the hearer to not only understand it, but most importantly, to believe it. If the only part of this story you ever heard was about this baby being born to a virgin, then you would likely not believe it. After all we all know that virgins do not give birth that is a scientific fact! Well that is only true if science does not allow divine intervention! Unless you are an atheist, how can you believe that God does not intervene in this world today? If you are a Christian, then you must believe that God has intervened in the past, and will actually recreate this world later, as defined in Revelation!
If you go into one of the Politically Correct stores you may see this word “Believe” imprinted on signs, and on dishes that are for sale. If you read the comments, they are trying to direct you to believe in some kind of fairy tale belief in a miraculous season, commonly referred to as the Holiday Season. So there the sales people must wish you a Happy Holiday. At a Christian book store there was a display that used this same word, “Believe.” However, in this setting the word “believe” meant to direct you to believe in the story of Jesus. The sales people there thus, wished you a Merry Christmas! Will December the twenty-fifth be observed as the remembrance of the birthday of Jesus, or the rebirth of holiday festivities to celebrate our earthly good luck?
This is truly a childlike season, as we are ask to think in an unreal fashion, and be open to believing in a fairy tale about a jolly overweight elf who is planning to give everyone, who has been good, some kind of a wonderful gift. The being good part is left up to this jolly old elf, which we refer to a Santa Claus. Most people who have children teach them this story, so they will be good during the year, and then, are happy at the end of the year! If you are a Christian did you also teach your children about this baby in a manger, who brought hope into this world? You do not have to possess worldly wealth to enjoy His coming; all you have to do is believe the story!
Jesus taught His disciples many things, but one important thing He stressed was that His people needed a childlike attitude in order for them to believe everything He taught. Luke reports one these times of training, and what Jesus said, about being childlike. People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Luke 18:15-17)
To believe the fairytale story requires you think like a child in order to believe it, and then, only as a good feeling for the holiday season. To believe the true CHRISTmas story also requires us to possess a childlike thought process, as it tries your mind to believe that, first there is a God, and then, that He sent His Son into this world to save the world. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-7) Now this is a belief that can or should make you happy all year long, not just during the holiday season!
It seems Jesus wanted to impress this childlike attitude on His disciples, and how important it is to allow you to believe in order to obtain the salvation He offers. Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3) Jesus needs us to approach this true CHRISTmas story with a childlike innocence that will allow full acceptance of it. On Christmas Eve you will be so filled with the knowledge of this story that it may be hard to sleep, because tomorrow you may meet Jesus face-to-face! No, I do not believe you may see Santa Claus, but then, you may meet Jesus, and truly live happily ever after! And remember, this is not a fairytale it is a true story.
So now since you are childlike go and see the infant in a manger scene, and “Believe,” He was born of the virgin Mary, and feel really good about it, because you believe this and the rest of the story about this Jesus. He came into this world to allow you eternal life, and to be able to live it with Him in forever land! You may call it heaven!
Wishing you and your family, this now includes Jesus as your Brother,
Merry CHRISTmas!
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak