May 26th 2019
Do You Have The Commandments Of God Written On Your Heart?
This VOW is being repeated, it was originally written and distributed on 2/6/2004!
Deuteronomy 9:10 (NIV)
The LORD gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. On them were all the commandments the LORD proclaimed to you on the mountain out of the fire, on the day of the assembly.
Replicas of the two stone tablets that God gave Moses have become a political football in this country in recent times. No doubt you have heard or read about these monuments being removed from public display. Some people in this country are bent on having any reference to the God of the Bible removed from all property owned or controlled by any form of government! This would of course include public schools and courthouses, etc. This is being done in the guise of separation of church and state. At the same time there are classes being offered in our public schools that defend world religions. It seems the Political Correct view allows tolerance of all religious expression, except Christianity. It makes you wonder how this will play out over the next few years!
To what moral code will future generations in this country give allegiance? Most of this country seems to be swinging toward a belief system that has no real basis. The type of sexually explicate display many of us witnessed as the halftime show of the NFL’s Super Bowl, a few years ago, will likely become more and more prevalent in this country’s ad campaigns. It seems sex sells products, and is therefore viewed as the correct choice of most executives of larger companies. This should be alarming to us, if of course, we find this trend wrong! How do you truly feel about such ads? The entertainment aspect of the show was to say the least lacking and real talent! The talent of the individual performers could not be detected due the glitzy displays getting in the way! The costumes or lack thereof, is what would be memorable from this show.
It seems this type of display is what most Americans desire to see! If you may have noticed most the outcry has been related to piping this trash into the living room where the content caused embarrassment to the host or hostess of the party! Sure the parents too complained about their children seeing this during the early hours of television watching. What this means is they would not care if it was on TV, just put it on later in the viewing day! Most of their children are allowed to go to concerts featuring these same performers. When their children attend these concerts the parents have to pay a large ticket price, but then the parents are not embarrassed, as they are not there to witness it! Were your children embarrassed by this performance, or was it just you who was offended?
Have we become desensitized now to the point where we actually like this sexually explicate type of entertainment? Do "R" rated movies no longer bother us, assuming they ever did! Is sex and violence now considered acceptable as entertainment? Can a love story be portrayed without sex scenes when we believe that sex is a normal part of the dating genera? Is sex permitted outside of the bonds of marriage now? Did God change His mind about that? Look it up on one of those stone tablets, before it is ripped out! No matter that these relics of the past, has the commands displayed upon them have been ripped out of your heart? Were they ever really embedded there? Are you talking to your children about them? Can you, have you, ever read them for yourself?
In your busy lifestyle, is there any time reserved for communication with God? Do you attend a church of your choice regularly? If so, is that all the time you have for God? Is one hour a week enough for you to try to become Christ-like? Sure there are many important things you do that require your time, so you just do not have any time left for God. On Sunday’s you are busy with stuff that requires your undivided attention too! Like taking four hours out to watch the Super Bowl and the HALF TIME SHOW TOO! Some other people may have time for going to church, but YOU are too busy. It is difficult to get-up on Sunday morning when you had a few too many drinks on Saturday night! That is understandable. God will likely accept that as a good reason.
Okay, so now this commentary has taken a turn to being meddling instead of just being informative! WWJD? Would He find time to pray, and read the Bible? In the stories I’ve read in the New Testament, He did!
One of the commandments inscribed by the finger of God upon those original stones for Moses and the Israelites (followers of God) mentions the Sabbath, and also mentions what we should not do on that day. It says we should not work, and most of us violate that, as our country has chosen to ignore that a long time ago. Not many years ago most business places were closed on Sunday. But notice the first sentence tells us (followers of God) to "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." Then it tells us to rest! Following is the complete commandment, read it and think how it should relate to YOU!
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. (Exodus 20:8-11)
God wrote those commands with His own finger, it is doubtful that He has changed His mind about the importance of having us follow them. While this command does not specifically mention going to church, it does start out by saying that on the Sabbath we should strive to be holy! How would Jesus interpret this command? If we want to be Christ-like, we need to look at it that way too!
Having replicas of the Ten Commandments on display in public areas is a good thing, and we will likely lose that freedom soon! But it is much more important that we have them on display in our hearts, and that we tell them to our children and anyone else we love! God told Moses, “It will be a sign between me and the Israelites for ever, for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested. When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.” (Exodus 31:17-18).
Do you have the Ten Commandments displayed in your house, in your church, in your heart?
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak
This VOW is being repeated, it was originally written and distributed on 2/6/2004!
Deuteronomy 9:10 (NIV)
The LORD gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. On them were all the commandments the LORD proclaimed to you on the mountain out of the fire, on the day of the assembly.
Replicas of the two stone tablets that God gave Moses have become a political football in this country in recent times. No doubt you have heard or read about these monuments being removed from public display. Some people in this country are bent on having any reference to the God of the Bible removed from all property owned or controlled by any form of government! This would of course include public schools and courthouses, etc. This is being done in the guise of separation of church and state. At the same time there are classes being offered in our public schools that defend world religions. It seems the Political Correct view allows tolerance of all religious expression, except Christianity. It makes you wonder how this will play out over the next few years!
To what moral code will future generations in this country give allegiance? Most of this country seems to be swinging toward a belief system that has no real basis. The type of sexually explicate display many of us witnessed as the halftime show of the NFL’s Super Bowl, a few years ago, will likely become more and more prevalent in this country’s ad campaigns. It seems sex sells products, and is therefore viewed as the correct choice of most executives of larger companies. This should be alarming to us, if of course, we find this trend wrong! How do you truly feel about such ads? The entertainment aspect of the show was to say the least lacking and real talent! The talent of the individual performers could not be detected due the glitzy displays getting in the way! The costumes or lack thereof, is what would be memorable from this show.
It seems this type of display is what most Americans desire to see! If you may have noticed most the outcry has been related to piping this trash into the living room where the content caused embarrassment to the host or hostess of the party! Sure the parents too complained about their children seeing this during the early hours of television watching. What this means is they would not care if it was on TV, just put it on later in the viewing day! Most of their children are allowed to go to concerts featuring these same performers. When their children attend these concerts the parents have to pay a large ticket price, but then the parents are not embarrassed, as they are not there to witness it! Were your children embarrassed by this performance, or was it just you who was offended?
Have we become desensitized now to the point where we actually like this sexually explicate type of entertainment? Do "R" rated movies no longer bother us, assuming they ever did! Is sex and violence now considered acceptable as entertainment? Can a love story be portrayed without sex scenes when we believe that sex is a normal part of the dating genera? Is sex permitted outside of the bonds of marriage now? Did God change His mind about that? Look it up on one of those stone tablets, before it is ripped out! No matter that these relics of the past, has the commands displayed upon them have been ripped out of your heart? Were they ever really embedded there? Are you talking to your children about them? Can you, have you, ever read them for yourself?
In your busy lifestyle, is there any time reserved for communication with God? Do you attend a church of your choice regularly? If so, is that all the time you have for God? Is one hour a week enough for you to try to become Christ-like? Sure there are many important things you do that require your time, so you just do not have any time left for God. On Sunday’s you are busy with stuff that requires your undivided attention too! Like taking four hours out to watch the Super Bowl and the HALF TIME SHOW TOO! Some other people may have time for going to church, but YOU are too busy. It is difficult to get-up on Sunday morning when you had a few too many drinks on Saturday night! That is understandable. God will likely accept that as a good reason.
Okay, so now this commentary has taken a turn to being meddling instead of just being informative! WWJD? Would He find time to pray, and read the Bible? In the stories I’ve read in the New Testament, He did!
One of the commandments inscribed by the finger of God upon those original stones for Moses and the Israelites (followers of God) mentions the Sabbath, and also mentions what we should not do on that day. It says we should not work, and most of us violate that, as our country has chosen to ignore that a long time ago. Not many years ago most business places were closed on Sunday. But notice the first sentence tells us (followers of God) to "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." Then it tells us to rest! Following is the complete commandment, read it and think how it should relate to YOU!
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. (Exodus 20:8-11)
God wrote those commands with His own finger, it is doubtful that He has changed His mind about the importance of having us follow them. While this command does not specifically mention going to church, it does start out by saying that on the Sabbath we should strive to be holy! How would Jesus interpret this command? If we want to be Christ-like, we need to look at it that way too!
Having replicas of the Ten Commandments on display in public areas is a good thing, and we will likely lose that freedom soon! But it is much more important that we have them on display in our hearts, and that we tell them to our children and anyone else we love! God told Moses, “It will be a sign between me and the Israelites for ever, for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested. When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.” (Exodus 31:17-18).
Do you have the Ten Commandments displayed in your house, in your church, in your heart?
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak