October 15th 2023
Miracles Are What Happen In This Life, If You Have Faith!
Hebrews 11:1 and 6 (NIV)
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Most of the time when we use the word hope, we are talking about something that may or may not happen. The writer of Hebrews is not using "hope" in this context. Here he is referring to a hope of a known outcome. Our faith has assured us that we can be certain that God exists even though we cannot see Him! This concept is a stumbling block to some people, as they need proof that God exists before they will believe. Such people put God to a test and demand that He proves His existence by moving some object or performing some miracle. When it doesn't happen, they take it as proof that He does not exist!
What about you, what have you asked God to do lately to prove to you He exists. Come on now, surely you have challenged Him to do something! Do you ever wonder what you would do if He did perform one of your requests? When we pray, and He answers our prayer, do we count that as proof? Do you believe He has ever answered one of your prayers? Do you follow-up to check for results to your prayer?
What miracle has God performed at your request? Have you ever prayed for a good report on health testing that was performed? When you received a good report, DID YOU COUNT IT AS PROOF? Did you remember to thank God for the good report? Has God been working in your life, but you never noticed? Some people you know have gone in for testing, and received very bad news, then we question "Why would God allow this to happen?" Is God only responsible for bad news in your view?
Did you know that our body is designed to cure itself of most diseases, and all the physicians do is treat the bothersome symptoms during the illness? If a problem gets to a point where it cannot be cured, then the physician removes the diseased part or growth! Then at that point our body takes over and heals the area of removal. Do you know/believe that God created these wonderful bodies. Do not read me wrong, physicians are almost miracle workers with modern medicine it is amazing what they can do. However, I still give God the credit for that too!
When we pray do, we first thank God for all He does for us everyday, or do we just get Him on the line and ask for more than we already have, then hang-up? Try treating another good friend like that and see how they react! How does God react to this kind of treatment? It seems from what the Bible says He forgives you and forgets the sin! What?
What miracle will you look for today? Yes, miracles still do occur today! If you are watching for them, you may be amazed. When Jesus lived among us He performed many miracles, but very few people actually saw them. Only the wine steward and a few people who filled some jugs with water saw it turned into wine. Only twelve people saw Him walk on water. Only a few people saw His raise Lazarus from the dead. Even when He fed 4000 and 5000 from very small amounts of food, it is doubtful many saw it happen, likely only twelve plus the people with front row seats! Where are you positioning yourself to see His next miracle? When it occurs will you know it happened, or will you be too busy living?
Every time you pray EXPECT something miraculous to happen, and then expect to see it! Miracles happen every day, because God is always at work in your life. It takes faith to be sure of what we do not see! Maybe it takes more faith to believe what we see comes from God!
The next time you see a bumper sticker that says "XXXX Happens," just substitute MIRACLES in place of the other word! It seems like a much better outlook on this life, and it may please God too!
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak
Hebrews 11:1 and 6 (NIV)
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Most of the time when we use the word hope, we are talking about something that may or may not happen. The writer of Hebrews is not using "hope" in this context. Here he is referring to a hope of a known outcome. Our faith has assured us that we can be certain that God exists even though we cannot see Him! This concept is a stumbling block to some people, as they need proof that God exists before they will believe. Such people put God to a test and demand that He proves His existence by moving some object or performing some miracle. When it doesn't happen, they take it as proof that He does not exist!
What about you, what have you asked God to do lately to prove to you He exists. Come on now, surely you have challenged Him to do something! Do you ever wonder what you would do if He did perform one of your requests? When we pray, and He answers our prayer, do we count that as proof? Do you believe He has ever answered one of your prayers? Do you follow-up to check for results to your prayer?
What miracle has God performed at your request? Have you ever prayed for a good report on health testing that was performed? When you received a good report, DID YOU COUNT IT AS PROOF? Did you remember to thank God for the good report? Has God been working in your life, but you never noticed? Some people you know have gone in for testing, and received very bad news, then we question "Why would God allow this to happen?" Is God only responsible for bad news in your view?
Did you know that our body is designed to cure itself of most diseases, and all the physicians do is treat the bothersome symptoms during the illness? If a problem gets to a point where it cannot be cured, then the physician removes the diseased part or growth! Then at that point our body takes over and heals the area of removal. Do you know/believe that God created these wonderful bodies. Do not read me wrong, physicians are almost miracle workers with modern medicine it is amazing what they can do. However, I still give God the credit for that too!
When we pray do, we first thank God for all He does for us everyday, or do we just get Him on the line and ask for more than we already have, then hang-up? Try treating another good friend like that and see how they react! How does God react to this kind of treatment? It seems from what the Bible says He forgives you and forgets the sin! What?
What miracle will you look for today? Yes, miracles still do occur today! If you are watching for them, you may be amazed. When Jesus lived among us He performed many miracles, but very few people actually saw them. Only the wine steward and a few people who filled some jugs with water saw it turned into wine. Only twelve people saw Him walk on water. Only a few people saw His raise Lazarus from the dead. Even when He fed 4000 and 5000 from very small amounts of food, it is doubtful many saw it happen, likely only twelve plus the people with front row seats! Where are you positioning yourself to see His next miracle? When it occurs will you know it happened, or will you be too busy living?
Every time you pray EXPECT something miraculous to happen, and then expect to see it! Miracles happen every day, because God is always at work in your life. It takes faith to be sure of what we do not see! Maybe it takes more faith to believe what we see comes from God!
The next time you see a bumper sticker that says "XXXX Happens," just substitute MIRACLES in place of the other word! It seems like a much better outlook on this life, and it may please God too!
Your brother in life through Adam, your brother in eternity through Jesus,
Bob Moak